Category: "TV"

TV in the sale? A simple test for good value...

A quick and easy way to find good value when buying a HDTV... more »

Frugal internet catch up TV via windows 7

Frugal internet TV using windows 7 is easy and cheap to do... more »

Satellite system care - 0844 8000 405 - BEWARE!

Satellite system care - cold calling, dubious selling techniques and charging bank accounts full amounts... more »

World cup cashback offers - BEWARE!

Anything and everything has been promoted with a link to the world cup finals in South Africa, in a bid to sell you something. One of the most common so far, are the television cashback offers. The Time's reported on Saturday that those offering money… more »

What you don't have - is always on television!

You have no cigarettes, up pops Dot Cotton smoking a tab. Hungry, but nothing much in the fridge/larder (do other people still have larders?) on comes the television and someone is sitting down to a roast dinner or scoffing a bar of chocolate. You are… more »