Category: "News"

Product placement is damaging TV and radio

After just a few weeks of product placement being allowed in our TV shows and radio, it is already apparent that it is dictating the direction and topics, that some shows are using. Jerermy Vine (dinnertimes radio 2) is a prime example. I listen in on… more »

Careers advice for 7 year olds?

What did you want to do when you were 7 years old? For me, I wanted to be an astronaut, for a week or so, then a footballer, then a train driver, then an astronaut again... The sooner we let our children be children again the better, social breakdown in… more »

Halloween crackdown by police

Halloween is also known as "mischief night" in some areas of the country, eggs and flour are thrown etc, that kind of thing. It is only this way for a selective age group, from around 13 to 16 year olds, it is harmless, of course most parents will have… more »

Abbey online banking still not working

Abbey's online banking system has failed now for more than four days. I cannot log on, cannot get a balance, cannot move money, pay bills online, etc. There are no notices at all on the abbey website, telling customers what is going on, when it will be… more »

BNP livening things up

BNP livening things up
Anti fascist supporters "stormed" the BBC television centre today, to protest about the BNP appearing on BBC1's question time tonight. Ironic, as a fascist will suppress free speech, which is exactly what the anti-facist movement are trying to acheive!… more »