
Victoria sponge won't rise

Posted at 12:37:05 am

I've spent the day battling with the age old problem of my victoria sponges not rising.

Using the correct ingredients, I have now tried to make the sponge with a hand whisk and metal spoon, a food processor, an electric whisk and a combination of all of them, mixing butter and sugar with food processor then folding in flour and eggs with a spoon.

I have tried the oven on gas mark 4, 5, 6 and 7, at the centre of the oven (always recommended for baking cakes) and at the top of the oven

I have tried 7 inch and 10 inch baking tins.

All have had the exact same results, the mixture is cooking but not rising.
Any ideas where I am going wrong with my victoria sponge would be most welcome. Thanks.

1 comment

Comment from: Carole Coppard [Visitor]
Carole Coppard
Have you checked your baking powder is still in date? That could be a reason. If you have trouble with your sponges sinking the cause could be the oven door has been opened before the cake has set. the cake didn't go in the oven as soon as the mixture was ready or there's too much raising agent. If they crack on the top this hcould be there's too much raising agent, the cake tin' is too small or the oven temperature is too high. I hope this helps with your baking x
06/02/15 @ 17:28

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